
喷气飞机等高度飞行的航程与航时计算 被引量:6

Calculation of range and endurance of jet aircraft at constant altitude
摘要 当燃油消耗率的推力系数为常数时 ,运用解析方法给出了分别要求远航、久航性能时最佳巡航状态 (飞机姿态、速度 )的计算方法 ,并给出了飞机采取等姿态或等速度飞行策略下的航程与航时计算方法 .结论是 ,为得到远航性能要求飞机采取变姿态、变速度飞行策略 ,为得到久航性能要求飞机采取等姿态、变速度的飞行策略 .通过算例表明 ,只要选取的飞行参数接近最佳飞行状态 ,当采取等姿态、变速度飞行策略时 ,也能得到接近最佳远航的航程 .当燃油消耗率的推力系数不为常数时 ,也对上述问题进行了研究 。 When the thrust coefficients of fuel consumption were constant, the calculation formulas of optimal cruise states (including posture and airspeed) were presented for long-range and long-endurance, and the calculation formula of range and endurance were given when flight strategy held airspeed or posture uniform. The results show that variable posture and airspeed are needed for long-range flight and changeless posture and variable airspeed are needed for long-endurance flight. The example expresses that when the flight parameter is close to the optimal ones, either changeless posture or constant airspeed flight can highly approach long-range or long-endurance flight. When the thrust coefficients of fuel consumption changing with airspeed, the above questions were studied also and the main processes of calculation were given.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期565-569,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
关键词 航程 最佳飞行 喷气飞机 航时 Distance measurement Fuel consumption Optimization
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