
出水水头对自生生物动态膜过滤性能的影响 被引量:25

Effects of the Water Head-Drop on Performance of the Self-Forming Bio-Dynamic Membrane
摘要 增加出水水头不利于自生生物动态膜 (SFDM)的恢复 .随着恢复期出水水头的增加 ,SFDM的稳定出水通量逐渐达到一个极限通量 ,约为 35L·(m2 ·h) - 1.继续增大出水水头 ,稳定出水通量甚至有降低的趋势 .在相同的出水通量下 ,动态膜的稳定运行时间随着恢复期出水水头的增加而显著降低 .当恢复期出水水头为 0 5cm时 ,稳定运行的时间 >1 0d ,当恢复期出水水头为 1 0cm时 ,稳定运行时间 <5h .研究了产生上述现象的原因 ,并提出使每个过滤周期从出水水头为 0处开始的操作策略 . To raise the water-head drop (WHD) is unbeneficial to the recovery of the self forming bio-dynamic membrane (SFDM). With the rising of the WHD, the stable flux of the SFDM gradually rised to the maximum, about 35L·(m 2·h) -1, but it had a trend to decline if the WHD was further raised. The duration of the stable stage of the SFDM declined remarkably with the WHD being increased in the recovery stage. The duration of the stable stage was more than 10d when the WHD was 0.5cm in the recovery stage, but it was less than 5h when the WHD was 10cm. The causes of these phenomena were analyzed. It was proposed that each running cycle of the SFDM be started at the WHD of zero.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期65-69,共5页 Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 1780 39)
关键词 自生生物动态膜 出水水头 过滤性能 膜生物反应器 self forming bio-dynamic membrane water head-drop filtration performance membrane bioreactor
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