通过构造Box Cox变换模型加权最优目标函数,综合考虑回归系数t统计量对应p阀值、Theil系数U2及其误差分解、修正回归拟合优度、Durbin Watson检验量、回归残差。利用Excel矩阵向量数组函数三维动态建模,通过Excel基于稳健GRG2算法的规划求解,"反向"动态求解整体最优Box Cox变换模型估计参数。实例给出了建模过程,显示反求建模可较有效地克服变换模型的异方差、多重共线性和序列相关性。
A weighted target optimal funtction for BoxCox transformation is constructed including the regression t and F tests, Muticollinearity and Heteroscedasticity. By using Microsoft Excel array functions, the dynamic spreadsheet model calls initial robust GRG2 Solver to reversely seek global optimizing parameters of BoxCox transformation. The example illustrates the modeling course and the satisfying application for multicollinearity and autocorrelation in regression.
Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (70 1 71 0 0 4)