目的 :引进TEG量表 ,分析中国高血糖人群性格类型。方法 :采用TEG中文版对 40 1名高血糖人群进行了测试 ,检验量表的信度和效度。结果 :大部分调查对象能够理解量表的内容 ;量表的漏填率很低 ;量表的重测信度系数在 0 73 -0 87之间 ,5个维度内部的Cronbach’sα系数在 0 62到 0 72之间 ,各维度之间的相关系数在 0到 0 40之间。量表所包括的 60个条目在 5个因子中得到了较为充分的表达。结论 :中文版的TEG性格量表的引进和测试达到了预期的要求 ,值得进一步的探索和研究。
Objective:To develop a Chinese version of the Tokyo University Egogram (TEG), and to investigate the personality type with the Chinese TEG instrument Method:A Chinese version of TEG was developed through forward-backward translation techniques, expert committee review, and pre-testing The last version was administered to 401 individuals in Beijing, China, who took part in the screening of the Diabetes Life-style Intervention Study The data and test-retest investigation data were used to evaluate the reliability and quality of the Chinese version TEG as a measure of personality patterns Results:The rate of item-level missing data was low Most subjects did not have any problem in understanding and answering TEG Test-retest reliability coefficient was 0 76 Internal-consistency reliability of the five TEG scales was about 0 65-0 72 for all scales of TEG Generally item factor loading was significantly higher with its own scale than with competing scales Conclusion:The results suggested that the Chinese version of the TEG has achieved conceptual equivalence and satisfied the personality type assumptions
Chinese Mental Health Journal