
帝乙帝辛卜辞断代研究 被引量:2

An Investigation of the Dating of the Oracle Bone Inscriptions in the Reigns Respectively of King of Yi and of King of Xin
摘要 商末第五期(黄组)卜辞中伐盂方卜辞属帝乙时代,伐人方卜辞属帝辛时代;周祭祀典组的"王廿祀"卜辞属帝乙卜辞,"在上"组的"王廿司"卜辞,属帝辛卜辞。商代晚期帝乙帝辛卜辞不同时期使用的决辞是有区别的,"兹用"使用在帝乙时期(包括文丁时),"兹御"帝辛时期。乙辛卜辞的贞人可分为两类:类、黄类。类的贞人有、、泳;黄类的贞人有黄、泳。以乙辛时代分,贞人、☆属帝乙时;贞人黄属帝辛时,且仅见于帝辛九祀至十一祀伐人方卜辞之中;贞人泳则属帝乙帝辛时的两朝老臣。从乙辛祭祀类卜辞的情况看,祭卜辞的时代在文丁、帝乙时期,下限为帝乙时期,帝辛时期无祭类卜辞。乙辛祭祀类卜辞正好印证了古文献中所谓帝辛时不祭祀上帝先王的说法。 The oracle bone inscriptions in the reigns respectively of King of Yi and of King of Xin unearched in the Yin ruins can be discriminated and dated according to the following fact: the two wars recorded in the Huang Group of inscriptions, the war with State of Yu and the war with State of Ren, actually referred to the same war, the former inscribed in the reign of King of Yi and the latter in the reign of King of Xin. In the Huang Group are two kinds of inscriptions labeled with the '20th Impeiral Year'. One kind was used for periodical sacrifices, which was adopted in the reign of King of Yi, and the other kind for the king's baths, which was developed in the reign of King of Xin. Besides, the oracle bone inscriptions in the two reigns can also be distinguished by their respective discriminative stereotypes. Those marked with 'Ziyong' belonged to the reign of King of Yi but those marked with 'Ziyu' to the reign of King of Xin. There are other clues which help date these inscriptions. For instance, those inscriptions labeled with Fu can be dated in the reign of King of Yi while those labeled with Huang can be dated in the reign of King of Xin. Finally, these oracle bone inscriptions in the reigns respectively of King of Yi and of King of Xin can also be dated by their functions, such as sacrifice, hunting and whatever.
作者 王晖
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期65-76,共12页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究九五规划基金项目(98JAQ780001)
关键词 甲骨文 卜辞断代 帝乙卜辞 帝辛卜辞 oracle bone inscriptions dating of inscriptions inscriptions in the reign of King of Yi inscriptions in the reign of King of Xin
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