根据我国超级杂交稻育种研究的技术思路 ,以两优培九 (培矮 6 4S/931 1 )、6 5396、931 1、E32、汕优 6 3、培矮 6 4S、399等 7个株型特性不同的品种 (组合 )为材料 ,测定了 4类 2 0项株型因素并作相关分析。认为株高和叶角是超高产育种和栽培的两项最主要的株型因素。通过对生态条件和两优培九株高变化关系的分析 ,有平均株高的 1 2 .6 %是由温度引起的 ,并建立了株高的生态预测模型。通过对抽穗后顶部三叶的 8种叶角度配置的单位受光量的理论模拟计算证明 ,理想的株型应以剑叶与倒二叶距离 ( d1 2 )为 1 5cm,倒二叶与倒三叶距离 ( d2 3)为 2 5cm,叶角配置应以 4°~ 6°(剑叶 ) ,9°~ 1 1°(倒二叶 ) ,1 4°~ 1 6°(倒三 )为宜。这些结果可以为超级杂交稻株型育种提供依据。
According to the thoughtway of the research of breeding super hybrid rice,4 varieties 20 facrors related to plant morphology are detected and their correlations are analyed for Liangyoupeijiu(PeiAi64s/9311),65396,9311,E32,SanYou63,Peiai64s and 399-seven varieties with differnt plant morphologies.We believ that plant height and leaf angle are two most important factors in breeding and culitivating varieties with supper high yield.Analyzing the relation between eco-condition and Liangyoupeijiu's plant height shows that 12.6 percent of the height is resulted from temperature,and the ecological prediction model of plant height developed.The theoretical simulation calculation fo the sunlight per unit area recieved by top three leaves at 8 leaf angle after heading confirms that the optimal plant morpholog should be that the distances from the flag leaf to top second leaf and from the top second leaf the third top leaf are 15 cm and 25cm,respectively,the flag leaf angle is between 4° and 6°,the top second leaf angle upper is between 9° and 11°,the top third leaf angle is between 14° and 16°.The above results may provide ascientific basis for breeding in plant morphology of super hybird rice.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology
国家 8 63计划 (2 0 0 1 AA2 1 1 1 5 1 )
plant type factor
leaf angle disposition
forecast of plant height
hybrid rice