目的 :通过对成人下颌骨不对称畸形患者的颏顶位 (submentalvertex ,SMV)X线头影测量分析 ,探讨应用颏顶位X线头影测量方法对成人颜面不对称畸形的诊断意义。方法 :对实验组 1 6名下颌骨不对称畸形的成人 ,包括8名男性 ,8名女性 ;对照组 1 6名颜面不对称、牙牙合关系正常的成人 ,包括 8名男性 ,8名女性。进行颏顶位X线头影测量分析 ,测量结果用SAS6 .0 3统计软件进行studentT检验。结果 :应用颏顶位X线头影测量软件 ,测得DifPo -Go、DifLI-CMP、DifPo -CMP、Dif∠LI-CMPDif∠Po -CMP的差在实验组与对照组间有明显差异 (P <0 .0 1 )。Po -Y、LI-Y的测量值实验组明显大于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 :颏顶位片及其X线头影测量对下颌骨不对称畸形及其骨性不调程度的定性与定量诊断有重要意义。
Objective:In this study mandibular asymmetry of adults was evaluated through Submental vertex (SMV) cephalometries.Methods:SMV radiograph were taken and analyzed.In both mandibular asymmetry (study) group consisting of 16 adults including 8 males and 8 females and the occlusional normal (control) group consisting of 16 adults with facial symmetry including 8 males and 8 females. The data was treated by student T test with statistics software SAS6.03.Results:The difference of DifPo-Go,DifLI-CMP,DifPo-CMP,Dif∠LI-CMP,Dif∠Po-CMP between in the facial asymmetry group and the control group by SMV radiographs cephalometry was obviously significant( P <0.01).Po-Y?LI-Y were larger in the facial asymmetry group than in the control group( P <0.01).Conclusions:SMV radiographs and cephalometries have a important significance for the qualitative and the quantitative diagnosis about the asymmetry of the mandibular and the extent of the skeletal asymmetry distinguished from functional disharmony We propose that SMV radiograph and its cephalometry should routinely use by the orthodontics in diagnosis and treatment assessment in facial asymmetry.
Journal of Oral Science Research