目的 :本研究旨在对湖北省黄石市 1 2岁儿童的口腔健康状况、态度和行为进行系统调查和全面的分析。方法 :调查对象为湖北省黄石市城区和农村 4所中小学 1 2岁儿童。结果 :1 2岁儿童的恒牙患龋率 2 2 .0 % ,龋均 0 .4 0。 31 %的儿童每天至少刷牙两次以上 ,1 7%的学生在一年内拜访过牙医。和居住在农村的学生相比 ,居住在城市里的学生拥有更积极的口腔保健态度 ,使用含氟牙膏、每天刷牙两次和在一年内拜访牙医的人数更多。结论
Objectives:The objectives of the study were to describe oral health status of 12-year old schoolchildren, to evaluate the pattern of oral health behaviour and oral care attitude.Methods:The children aged 12 years old were clinically examined according to the WHO basic methods and responded to standardized questionnaires on oral health behaviour, knowledge, and attitudes.Results:In 12 years old children, the prevalence rate of dental caries was 22% with the mean DMFT being 0.40 for permanent teeth.Only 31 per cent children brushed their teeth at least twice a day and 17 per cent had seen a dentist within the past year.The children living in the central city and with a high education level among their mothers showed higher percentages of positive attitudes to dental care,use of fluoridated toothpaste, toothbrushing at least twice a day and dental visiting habits than those living in periurban areas and with a relatively low education level among their mothers.Conclusions:Oral health education and oral health care programmes should be established in primary and secondary schools.
Journal of Oral Science Research