博士后研究人员参加社会保险目前有按属地城镇职工社会保险制度运作和按属地商业保险运作两种 ,后者在起保时间、保险范围、参保条件、保险责任和终止等方面都不如前者优惠。全社会都应重视博士后保险管理工作 ,保护博士后人员权益。
Postdoctoral researchers have two accesses to social insurance in China: one is social insurance system for urban employees based on where they live, the other, commercial insurance system also based on where the insured live. The former brings more benefits to the insured in time of starting the insurance, range of insurance, insurance conditions, insurance responsibility, termination and so on. The whole society ought to attach great importance to the insurance management of postdoctoral researchers and protect their interest.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)