海明威的传世佳作《老人与海》的主题意义深刻 ,主人公桑提亚哥的孤独与坚强以及他作为大写意义上的人早已为评论界所公认 ,但对采用何种语言手段收到此种效果却论及甚少。从文学文体学的角度 ,可见小说行文间是用了引语和人称的手段来塑造桑提亚哥这一孤独而坚强的大写意义上的人的典型性。
The theme of Hemingway's famous novel The Old Man And The Sea is at the same time far-reaching and obvious. Santiago, the lonely and brave hero in the novel, is unanimously regarded as a representative of human being. But little has been discussed about how this effect was achieved. From the point of view of literary stylistics, it can be seen that it is by manipulating speech and personal reference that the novel establishes Santiago as an outstanding example of human being and as one who is at the same time brave and lonely.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)