由于近代中国疾疫猖狂为害 ,专业的医学教育又远不能满足社会的需要 ,使得开展民众卫生教育成为必要之举。民众卫生教育兴起后 ,多采用借助新闻媒体、发行卫生刊物或出版卫生书籍、开展各项卫生宣传等方式进行。其主要内容涉及普及卫生知识、研究和预防传染病、倡导民族健康运动等方面。
In modern China, due to the rampancy of multifarious diseases and the failure to meet the social demand in the professional medical education, the populace hygiene education has become an essential undertaking. Ever since its rise, the populace hygiene education has been conducted mostly through public media, hygiene publications, or various hygiene promotion campaigns. The main contents of hygiene education have been related to the dissemination of hygiene information, the research and prevention of epidemic and the initiative of national health campaign, etc.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)