多层商住楼采用现浇钢筋砼楼面板之后 ,发现砼板易发生裂缝 ,主要是由于砼早期自身收缩大、砼徐变及温度和施工影响所造成。为解决此问题 ,在设计上采用了强度较高的冷拔带肋钢筋并增加板厚 ;施工时在砼中加入膨胀型外加剂,增强砼模板刚度与砼养护。采用这些防治措施后均收到了较好的效果。
When applying the technology of pouring reinforced concrete floor in commercial and residential buildings,we have found the floors are prone to crack.The cracks are largely due to shrinkage of concrete at the early stage,gradual change of conˉcrete,temperature and the effect of construction.In order to solve this problem,the technology of cold rolled steel bar with highˉer strength and thicker concrete floors are adopted in our design.In construction we add expansion admixtures to the concrete,strengthen concrete formworks and maintenance of the concrete.By taking these prevention measures,good results have been achieved.