
SAR系统不确定性可视化表达及其应用 被引量:3

Uncertainty Visualization of SAR Imaging System and Application
摘要 SAR在成像过程中由于受到外界环境干扰和机载本身的不稳定等不确定因素的影响 ,直接影响 SAR图像的使用。因此 ,对这些不确定因素分析是十分重要的。目前 ,对于 SAR不确定性研究主要是基于统计方法 ,但这种方法不便于揭示 SAR不确定性产生的机理 ,以及不确定性可视化表达。本文首先从机理的角度讨论了 SAR成像系统误差传递函数 ,在确定了 SAR系统误差传递函数之后 ,着重讨论了在误差传递函数基础上利用虚拟现实技术和系统仿真技术进行 SAR成像系统不确定可视化研究 。 As a result of particular advantages of Synthetic Aperture Rad ar, SAR has been applied widely in earth science and military science But, during the imaging process of SAR, these uncertainty factors, such as the environmental disturbance and the aircraft instability et al , affect the application of SAR image directly So it is very important to analyze these uncertainty factors Presently, the research of SAR uncertainty is based on the statistical method, but this method is inconvenient to unveil the mechanism of uncertainties caused and to visualize the SAR uncertainty Whereas, we first discussed the SAR system uncertainty propagation function from the view of mechanism in this paper, and then focus on discussing the visualization of uncertainties of SAR system based on this uncertainty propagation function by means of VR technique and system simulation technique Finally an example about the uncertainty visualization is given
出处 《地球信息科学》 CSCD 2003年第3期86-90,117,共6页 Geo-information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金 40 2 0 10 3 3项目 国家 863青年基金 2 0 0 1AA13 5 15 1项目
关键词 SAR 不确定性可视化 应用 统计方法 机械方法 不确定性程序功能 虚拟现实 成像 信息模型 SAR,Uncertainty visualization,Statistics method,Mechanism method,Uncertainty propagation function VR,System simulation
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