目的:通过对山东省9个县(市、区)0~7岁儿童出生缺陷的调查,了解影响山东省出生人口素质的重要遗传病、先天性疾病及其影响因素。方法:用随机整群抽样方法,根据地域分布、经济、社会、人口分布等确定示范点,并对183 249例0~7岁儿童进行基线调查。采用回归性询问填表法初筛可疑阳性患儿,并按全国统一诊断标准逐个查体,明确诊断,填写统一调查表,录入微机,并进行统计学处理。结果:①筛查183 249例儿童,确诊先天性及遗传性疾病2782例,发病率为15.18‰(2 782/183 249)。②不同地区发病率有显著差异(P<0.0001)。③排前10位的疾病分别为腹股沟疝及脐疝(n=442)、智力低下(n=317)、鞘膜积液(n=245)、先天性心脏病(n=243)、眼部畸形及视力障碍(n=122)、肢体畸形(n=206)、脑瘫(n=202)、唇(腭)裂(n=124)、先天性耳前瘘管(n=233)及聋哑(n=115)。④多胞胎76例(2.73%,76/2 783)。⑤出生时妊娠周数<37周的206例,占7.40%(206/2 782),>42周的76例,占2.74%(76/2 782),平均39.59±2.10周。⑥出生时体重<1.6kg的16例,1.6~2.7kg的363例,两者占13.62%;≥4.0kg的巨大儿325例(11.68%,325/2 782),平均3.30±0.58kg;母亲年龄18~22岁37例,35~45岁127例,>45岁7例,平均28.3±3.9岁。⑦患儿男性占68.6%(1 908/2 782)。
Objective: To investigate childhood congenital and genetic diseases from age 0 to 7 in Shandong province and the relevant risk factors. Methods: A number of 183,249 children aged 0 -7 were surveyed randomly in Shandong of 9 model side (county, city or district) with different geography, economical, social and population status. Stratified cluster sampling was used. Results: ①The incidence of childhood congenital and genetic diseases was 15. 18‰(2782/183249). ②Significant difference was found among 9 model side( P < 0. 0001). ③The first to the tenth disease was inguinal hernia and umbilical her-nia(n =442) , mental retardation(n =317) , hydroceles(n =245) , congenital cardiopathy(n =243) , blindness and dysopia vision( n = 233 ) , congenital extrinsic deformities (n = 206 ) , cerebral palsy (n = 202 ) , harelip and cleftpalate (n = 124) , preauricular fistula(n = 122) , and deaf - mutism(n = 115) , respectively. ④There were 76 cases with multifetation( 2.73% , 76/2782). ⑤The mean value of gestational period was 39.59± 2. 10 (x ± s ) weeks and < 37 weeks was found in 206 children (7.40% ,206/2782). ⑥The mean of the body weight at birth was 3.30 ±0.58kg, and 16 children were in <1.6kg,
363 ones were in 1.6 -2.7kg(13.62% ,379/2782); 325 ones
were in
≥4. 0kg(11.68% ,325/2782). The mother's age was 28.3 ±3.9 years, and 18 -22,35 -45 and >45 years were 37, 127 and 7, respectively.⑦ Sex ratio was 2. 183:1 (boy/girl, 1908/874). Conclusion: In Shandong province, the incidence of the childhood congenital and genetic diseases has not alike in different district. To interfere the birth defect, prevention must be put first.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning