目的 :探讨中风后遗症中医证候与中风主症的相关性。方法 :用随机抽样方法确定调查医院 ,用Spearman(斯皮尔曼相关 )分析方法进行中医证候与中风主症的相关性分析。结果 :中风后遗症中医证候有阴虚阳亢 (火热 )证、气虚血瘀证、风痰阻络证。阴虚血瘀证与感觉障碍、自发性神经痛呈正相关 ,与口角斜呈负相关。阴虚阳亢 (火热 )证与肢体硬瘫、肢体麻木呈正相关 ,与肢瘫软硬不显、自发性神经痛呈负相关。气虚血瘀证与肢体软瘫呈正相关 ,与肢体硬瘫、口角斜、肢体麻木、感觉障碍等均呈负相关。风痰阻络证与肢瘫软硬不显、口角斜、吞咽困难呈正相关 ,与肢体硬瘫呈负相关。结论 :中风后遗症中医证候与中风主症呈现明显的相关性 ,这种相关性与中风主症各自的病机特点有关 。
Objective: To discuss on the relationship between the syndrome in TCM and main symptoms of apoplexy's sequelae. Methods: The hospital to investigate was ascertained by random sampling. The relationship between syndrome in TCM and main symptoms of apoplexy's sequelae was analyzed with the methods of Spearman. Results: The syndrome in TCM of apoplexy's sequelae contains Yin-deficiency causes blood stasis ,Yin deficiency and hyperactivity of yang, Deficiency of vital energy causes blood stasis, Accumulation of wind-phlegm in Channels. The syndrome of Yin-deficiency causes blood stasis is positive correlation to feel obstacle and spontaneity neuralgia, whereas negative correlation to lip deflection. The syndrome of Yin deficiency and hyperactivity of yang is positive correlation to flaccid paralysis, whereas negative correlation to ankylosis paralysis, angle deflection of mouth, numbness, sensory disturbance. The syndrome of Accumulation of wind-phlegm in Channels is positive correlation to angle inflection of mouth, dysphagia, whereas negative related to ankylosis paralysis. Conclusion: The syndrome in TCM of apoplexy's sequelae is distinctly related to main symptoms of it. The relativity is related to the trait of main symptoms. Therefore it is important to attach importance to the changes of main symptoms in the treatment of apoplexy's sequelae. \[
Hunan Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology
湖南省中医管理局科研基金 ( 2 0 2 0 0 2 )