Objective This study was designed to c on duct an in-depth evaluation on Pancherz's analysis.Methods A typical Class II c ase with bite-jumping therapy was selected for the whole process of Pancherz's Analysis.The skeletal growth modification and dental compensation were examined and portioned for their respective contribution to the correction of excessive o verjet and Class II molar relationship.Results The following traits and properti es of Pancherz's analysis were found:(1)A fixed reference system characterized by SN and OLp was established which led to an accurate detection of the moving objects.(2)Skeletal and dental changes were separated for evaluation,which resul ted in a true assessment of the bite-jumping on growth pattern modification.(3)A segmental examination for dental changes indicated the magnitude of skeletal mo dification.Conclusion Pa nc he r z 's analysis is a feasible and reliable evalu ation system which could reflect with accuracy the skeletal and dental effects c aused by bite-jumping therapy.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology