目的 探讨经扩张胆囊管取出胆总管内结石后不放置“T”型管的可行性及临床适应证。方法 选择 2 4例经胆囊管探查胆总管取石后不放置“T”型管并与传统的放置“T”型管方法进行比较。结果 不放置“T”型管组的患者术后住院时间平均为8d ,放“T”型管者为 16d ,不放置“T”型管患者避免了“T”型管引起的诸多并发症。结论 在正确适应证的前提下经扩张胆囊管探查胆总管取石后不放置“T”型管有较多优点 。
AIM To evaluate the rationale and indcations for exploring common bile duct through cystic duct with out placing “T” tube after choledochotomy. METHODS Exploring 24 patients' common bile duct through cystic duct without placing “T” bube after choledochotomy. The results was compare with that of traditional procedure. RESULTS Average postoperative hospital stay was 8 days, while 16 days in patients with a “T” tube drainage. Complications often seen in “T” tube drainage were avoided. CONCLUSION When properly, exploring of common bile duct through cystic duct without “T” tube was safe.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal