目的 :探讨补肾益气清热中药对溴隐亭致 SD大鼠流产模型中垂体 PRL- R、Pr RP- R表达的影响。方法 :将 SD孕大鼠随机分 5组 :其中 A~ D组在孕 6~ 8d皮下注射溴隐亭 0 .3mg/( kg· d) ,A组为模型组 ,B组、C组、D组孕 1~ 1 1 d分别灌胃中药粉剂 3g/( kg· d)、注射外源性 PRL 8IU/次 (每天 1 2 :0 0和 2 4 :0 0 ,bid)、黄体酮 8mg/( kg·d) ;E组为正常妊娠组。所有动物于孕 1 2 d处死 ,取垂体 ,用 RT- PCR方法测各组大鼠垂体 Pr RP- R、PRL- R的表达。结果 :B组、C组、D组的妊娠率与 A组相比 ,差异有显著性 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ,B组妊娠率与 C组、D组、E组相比差异无显著性。 A组垂体 Pr RP- R、PRL- R的表达明显高于其它各组 ( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :补肾益气清热中药可能通过机体的整体调节并作用于下丘脑、垂体 ,影响
Objects: To study the effect of Bu shen on the pituitary expression of prolactin releasing peptide receptor (PrRP R) and prolactin receptor (PRL R) in the improved animal model of bromocriptine induced abortion. Methods: Female SD rats were divided into five groups in random, Group A was injected with bromocriptine (0.3 mg/kg/d) during the pregnant day of 6~8; Injected with bromocriptine(0.3 mg/kg/d) like Group A, Group B was administered with powder of Chinese herbs (3 g/kg/d), group C was injected with prolactin (8 IU each time)twice a day and Group D was injected with progesterone(8 mg/kg/d) in the pregnant day of 1~11, the rats of Group G were normal pregnant rats. All these rats were killed in the pregnant day of 12 to observe the expression of PrRP R and PRL R from pituitary using RT PCR. Results: The pregnant rate of A group and the pregnant fetus numbers were significantly lower than those of Group B,C,D and E( P <0.01); the expression of PrRP R and PRL R in the pituitary of Group A are higher than that in any other group. Conclusion: Chinese herbs have an effect on the secretion of PRL possibly through regulation of rats' hypothalamus and pituitary.
Reproduction and Contraception