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7Spanglo L P S, Hsu C S, Fejer S O, et al. Heritability and Genetic Variance Components for 20 Fruit and Plant Characters in the Cultivated Strawberry [J]. Genoma, 1971,13:443-456.
8Leshem Y Y, Wills R B H, Ku V V V. Evidence for the function of the free radical gas - nitric oxide (NO) - as an endogenous maturation and senescence regulating factor in higher plants[J]. Plant Physiol Biochem,1998,36(11): 825-833.
9Barritt B H. Breeding Strawberry for Fruit Firmness [J]. J Amer Soc Hort Sci, 1979,104(5):663-665.
10Jimenez-Bermudez S, Redondo-Nevado J, Munoz-Blanco J, et al. Manipulation of Strawberry Fruit Softening by Antisense Expression of a Pectate Lyase Gene [J]. Plant Physiol,2002, 128(2):751-759.