借用社会科学的参与快速评估法 (participatoryrapidassessment,PRA)中的观察法、走访法、日常活动图、文氏图表 (VennDiagram)、排队法 (Ranking) ,从多角度对美国 17个医学图书馆进行了抽样调查 ,了解到美国医学图书馆及工作人员的需求、对不同组织机构的依附情况、历史沿革及其新服务项目。
By using the methods such as observation, interview, daily activity chart, Venn diagram, ranking in participatory rapid assessment(PRA),medical libraries in USA and requirments of their staff, relationship between the libraries and their parent institutions and organizations, main events in the history and new service are investigated from the sampled 17 medical libraries. It is proposed that medical library associations in China should play their roles in promoting the development of medical libraries in our country.
Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science