测定维生素E的方法中,分光光度法干扰因素较多,准确性差。色谱法装置复杂,步骤繁琐,不宜用于大量样品的测定。用荧光法测定维生素E,不需昂贵的设备,且筒便、快速。与薄层色谱法相比,也证明较佳。 实验部分 (一)仪器 玻璃仪器:圆底烧瓶,容量瓶,分液漏斗,三角烧瓶(具塞)等。 恒温水浴锅:调节温度(±1℃)。 荧光分光光度计:岛津RF-510。 (二)试剂和溶液 无水乙醇(分析纯),50%KOH溶液(W/V),乙醚(分析纯),正已烷(分析纯),25%抗坏血酸水溶液(W/V),无水硫酸钠。
The proposed method makes the determination of tocopherol sensitive and simple by changing the concentrations of saponified solution and antioxidant on the basis of AOAC. The reappearance of result is quite fine and all the percentage of recovery reach 92.1%.
The sample is saponified and the unsaponifiable is extracted with ethyl ether. The ether extract is evaporated under N2 flow.The residue is dissolved in haxane and measured at excitation wave of 304 nm and emission wave of 324 nm.
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences