
样例和问题的联结方式对迁移作用的实验研究 被引量:4

Effect of Combination Mode of Worked-out Examples and Problems on Transfer
摘要 研究了样例和问题的联结方式对学习迁移的影响。实验 1探讨了渐减提示法对学习迁移的作用 ;实验 2进一步检验了渐减提示法对诱发学习者进行自我解释的作用 ;实验 3探讨了“渐减提示 +子目标”这种联结样例和问题的方式对迁移的效果。进行重复测量设计的方差分析 ,实验结果表明 :渐减提示法是动态的联结样例和问题解决的有效形式 ,符合认知技能获得的四阶段模型和建构主义学习观的基本要求 ;渐减提示法有助于促进学习者对样例问题进行高质量的自我解释和产生心理预期 ;用“渐减提示 +子目标引导”来联结样例和问题有助于减轻认知负荷 ,有助于产生高质量的自我解释 。 The research was designed to test the effect of combination of examples and problems on transfer.In the experiment 1,the effect of fading worked out solution steps(i.e.,complete example→increasing more incomplete examples→problem to be solved)on transfer was examined.In the experiment 2,the effect of fading worked out solution steps in eliciting the self explanation was examined.In the experiment3,the effect of the combination mode of fading worked out solution steps + sub goal on transfer was examined.It was concluded that fading procedure was an effective way to combine example study and problem solving in learning process by worked out example.It meant that fading procedure fostered learning process by both near transfer and far transfer.This finding confirmed the four stage model of cognitive acquisition and the view of learning constructivism.The fading worked out example facilitated the self explanation process of learning and helped the subject to anticipate the next step of the example.In the experiment with combination mode of fading worked out solution steps and sub goal examples,some reduced cognitive load and appropriate self explanation generation were obsevered.
作者 邢强 莫雷
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2003年第3期31-35,45,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划国家重点课题资助项目
关键词 联结方式 学习迁移 渐减提示法 自我解释 样例学习 认知技能 建构主义学习观 心理预期 learn from worked out example,fading worked out solution steps,self explanation,transfer
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