本文利用极小割集数算法及Provan和Boll给出的两个定理计算了几个重 要的R4(G)问题.
The evaluation of network reliability is important in both design and operation of system such as communication, power, and Pipeline. So far, there are a great of paper about network reliability Algorithm. Provan and Ball[1] has proved that algorithm in number of cutsets Evaluating both R1 (G) and R4(G) is polynomial time. R1 (G) = Pr{a specified vertex in G can send communication to another specified vertex}, R4(G)= Pr{a specified vertex-pair in G can communicate}. This paper uses the algorithm in number of minimal cutsets[2] and two theorems by Provan and Boll[1] presented to evaluate some problems of R4(G).
Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation