Blocking assays showed th at eight anti-HEV monoclonal antib odies(mAbs) preparated from a reco mbinant capsid protein of HEV reco gnized three conformational epitope s and two linear epitopes respecti vely.Three mAbs recognizing two co nformational epitopes could captur e HEV particles directly,which sugg ested that these two epitopes expo sed on the outer surface of the v irus particle.Both the mAbs 8C11 a nd 8H3 which recongnized these two epitopes respectively showed neutr alizing activity against the patho genicity and infectivity of HEV to rhesus monkey.The effect of shorte ning feces shedding was more o bvious in mAb 8C11 neutralizing gr oup,but the delay of seroconversio n was more obvious in mAb 8H3 neut ralizing group.The neutralizing ef fects were enhanced when both mAbs were used.Significant sera blockin g effect could be seen in both acu te phase and convalescent phase sa mples by mAb 8C11 and 8H3,and the blocking effect of Fab fragments o f the mAbs were the same as the wh ole antibodies,which suggests that the correspponding epitopes of the se two mAbs are the immunodominant epitopes in humoral immunoresponse against HEV.
Chinese Journal of Virology