药剂拌种处理马铃薯种薯是一项重要的增产措施 ,通过药剂拌种马铃薯抗病、防虫 ,植株生长旺盛 ,产量明显提高 ,通过试验 ,结果表明 ,病克净拌种增产效果显著 ,较清水对照平均增产 33.6 %,较敌克松拌种平均增产 15 .7%。
It's one of important measures for increasing potato yield to apply the seed potato dressing with Bingkejing.After potato seed were dressed with Bingkejing ,the plant can resistance insect pest.Potato yield was increased.The results of test shown output with Bingkejing were more 33.6% than ck,more 15.75% than Dikesun.
Science and Technology of Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry