目的:评价溴鼠灵蜡块一次性投饵对家鼠的适口性和毒杀效果;方法:现场实验;结果:溴鼠灵蜡块48 h盗食率高于其它毒饵;溴鼠灵蜡块一次性投放15 d后,6个单位不同现场平均鼠密度由28.88%下降至0.59%,灭效达97.69%(P<0.05),死鼠高峰在投饵5 d~7 d之间;结论:0.005%溴鼠灵蜡块适口性好,使用方便、安全,只需一次性投饵即可控制鼠害,值得推广应用。
Objective:To evaluate the palatability and killing efficacy of Brodifacoum wax-mass against mouse. Mothods:field test. Results:the 48 h feeding index of Brodifacoum wax-mass was much higher than other baits; 15 d after placement, the mouse density in 6 sites decreased from 28.88 % to 0.59 % , the mortality rate was 97.69 % ( P < 0.05) ; the mortality peak appeared between 5 - 7 d. Conclusion:0.005% Brodifacoum wax-mass has good palatability and convenient and safe to use. Mouse can be well controlled by one placement of Brodifacoum wax-mass bait.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments