中国的改革之所以能有正确的方向、目的和步骤 ,在于有邓小平的政治哲学为指导。政治本质论、政治目标论、政治民主论、政治艺术论、政治价值论、政治本体论构成了邓小平政治哲学的基本内涵 ,而方向性、实践性、人民性和辩证性则是邓小平政治哲学思想的特点。邓小平政治哲学是马克思主义政治哲学的新发展 。
The success of China's reform depends on Deng Xiaoping's theory of political philosophy. The theory is made up his views on political essence, goal, democracy, art, value, and ontology. It is characterized by its directionality, practicality, affinity to the people and dialecticality. This theory can be considered as a recent development of the political theory of Marxism and is the powerful ideological weapon to guide the course of China's development with Chinese characteristics.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)