山岳派没有被认可的共同纲领。雅各宾派作为山岳派的主导派别 ,二者在重大事件上几乎是同义的。在从 1792年底开始的第三代人领导期间 ,很多雅各宾派成员在大革命中提高了经济地位 ,成了不同于贵族和人民的“自觉的资产者”。雅各宾主义是启蒙运动中自然法和理性主义哲学的继续和发展 ,曾给予大革命最进步的内容。
The Montagnards had no common programme generally acknowledged by all its members. The Jacobins, as the leading fraction of the Montagnards, is considered synonymous with the Montagnards in most cases. From 1792 on Robespierre and his companions were in power and many members of the Jacobins improved their economic status and became 'the conscious bourgeois', which made them different either from the masses or from the aristocrats.Jacobinism was the succession of the natural law and rationalism originated from the Enlightenment. It provided the most advanced contents to the Revolution.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)