圣马丁是拉丁美洲独立运动中涌现出的著名军事家。其军事上的主要贡献是制定和实施了解放南美洲的战略计划 ;对智利和秘鲁的殖民军实行“攻心”政治战 ;重视士兵的训练 ;强化后勤保障工作 ;组建智利海军 。
San Martin was an outstanding militarist in the Independence Movement of Latin America. His main contribution can be reflected from the following aspects. He worked and carried out a strategic plan for the liberation of South America and launched a psycologicaly political warfare against the colonial troops of Chile and Peru. He put the emphasis on soldiers' military training and intensified the logistic services. He founded Chile navy and made attacks on Spanish colonial troops on the sea.
Journal of Luoyang University