《茶馆》因其“清明上河图”式的北京市井生活与民俗风情画卷的描绘而散发着浓郁的京味文化气息。由《茶馆》我们可以透视出京味文化重“礼性” ,讲“秩序” ,讲体面 ,求“排场” ,以及追求闲适生活方式的多重特征。京味文化的变动则隐喻了一个主题 :腐朽“吃人”
Because of the depiction of the civil life and the customs of Beijing, Cha Guan gives out strong flavour of Jingwei-the taste of the people of Beijing. From the play of Cha Guan, we can discover many characteristics about the Jingwei culture. That is, it embodys the following features that it emphasizes the etiquette and it is particular about the dignity and pursues a leisure and comfortable life. The Jingwei culture is canstantly changing and the change shows one subject that the rotten and evil dynasty must be buried by the progressive forces.
Journal of Luoyang University