

Brief Analyisis of Risks Faced by Lawyers in Exercising Their Duties
摘要 律师是一个高度专业化的职业 ,也是一个承受高风险的职业。本文运用实证分析的方法 ,初步剖析了新时期中国律师执业 5大风险 :法律服务市场竞争无序风险 ;律师事务所主体性质不明带来的税费及经济责任的风险 ;律师权利缺乏司法保障导致的风险 ;社会公众对律师欠缺认同和理解导致的风险 ; The profession of lawyers is a highly specialized occupation with great risks.Applying the method of proof analysis, this article analyses the five great risks faced by Chinese lawyers when carrying out their duties at present time :The risk of disordered competition in law service market; the risk of tax duty and economical responsibility caused by the indistinct nature of the main body of the lawyer's; the risk of lack of judicial protection for the lawyers' rights; the risk caused by lack of recognition and understanding of the lawyers by the public and the risk caused by lack of fund collection system and the system of compensation charged lawyers because of the fault in exercising their duties.
作者 吴淞豫
机构地区 洛阳大学机械系
出处 《洛阳大学学报》 2002年第1期101-104,共4页 Journal of Luoyang University
关键词 律师 执业风险 法律服务 实证分析 经济责任风险 责任赔偿制度 收费制度 risks of exercising duties law service lawyer
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  • 1亚里士多德 吴寿彭译.政治学[M].商务印书馆,1981..
  • 2戈尔丁.法律哲学[M].三联书店,1998年,第114页.
  • 3哈罗德·伯曼.美国法律讲话[M].三联书店,1998.


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