记述采自贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区的祝蛾科2新种:黄褐顶祝蛾Carodista flavicana Wu(祝蛾亚科Lecithocerinae)与刺茎俪祝蛾Philharmonia spinula Wu(瘤祝蛾亚科Torodorinae)。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。
Two new species of Lecithoceridae, Carodista flavicana Wu, sp. nov. and Philharmonia spinula Wu, sp. nov. are described in this paper. The specimens are collected from Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou Province. The type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1. Carodista flavicana Wu, sp. nov. (Figs.1,2) Wing expanse 14 mm^16 mm. Antenna pale yellow, dark annulation on segments obscure. Labial palpus tobacco yellow. Head yellowish brown, frons silver-gray. Thorax yellowish brown, paler on margins. Forewing brownish yellow, with a silky luster, discocellular spot indistinct; cilia brownish yellow. Hindwing and cilia brownish yellow. Male genitalia: Uncus wide; gnathos small; costal bar small, straight; valva narrow and long, roughly top boot-shaped, apical outer margin with 2~3 rows of short spines; sacculus short and wide; juxta elongate, U-shaped; aedeagus stout, longer than valva-length, with a lateral spine at apical 1/4, vesica with a lot of trigonal cornuti. Holotype: ♂, Mt. Fanjing, 600 m, Guizhou Province, 02-Ⅵ-2002, collected by Wu Chunsheng. Paratype: 1♂, same data as holotype. Etymology: The species name is derived from Latin flavicans(= yellow). Diagnosis: This new species is related to C. gracilis (Gozmány) from Afghanistan, but differs from the latter by the smaller gnathos and the aedeagus with a lateral spine at apical 1/4, as well as vesica with a lot of trigonal cornuti. 2. Philharmonia spinula Wu, sp. nov. (Figs.3,4) Wing expanse 20 mm. Antenna tobacco yellow. Labial palpus yellowish brown. Head and thorax pale yellowish brown. Forewing pale yellow, basal 1/3 darker slightly; a dark elongate spot at base of inner margin; a yellowish white trapeziform patch located at basal 1/3 from costal margin to lower margin of cell; apex pointed relatively. Hindwing pale grayish yellow, a black spot at basal 1/4 of inner margin. Male genitalia: Uncus narrow and long; gnathos wide in basal half, narrow and long in apical half; valva narrow in basal half, wide and rounded in apical half; juxta shield-shaped, posterior margin concave in arc; aedeagus longer than valva-length slightly, curved, tapering to a rounded apex, apically with a series of spines. Holotype: ♂, Mt. Fanjing, 600 m, Guizhou Province, 02-Ⅵ-2002, collected by Wu Chunsheng. Etymology: The species name is derived from latin spinula(=small spine). Diagnosis: This new species is related to Ph. melona Wu, but differs from the latter by the forewing only with one spot at costal margin, the male genitalia with a broadly rounded apex, and the aedeagus apically with a series of spines.
new species