笔者针对青少年运动员中胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎发病率高的特点,自1999年以来,以来 往信函和个别访谈的方法,对河南、湖南、湖北、广东和广西五省35所高级中学、10所高等 院校体育系和8所体校的410例患者采用1/1000Hg2(NO3)2.2H2O(千分之一硝酸亚汞)进行 局部贴敷,并配合理疗、点穴按摩等方法,取得显著疗效,治愈率高达96%,深受青少年体 育爱好者的欢迎.
The incidence of tibia fatigue periostitis is rather high am ong young people and teenagers. Since 1999, with letters and interview s respectively, I have taken the measure of applying a plaster and m assage skill to 410 patients from 35 senior high schools and 10colleg es, in Henan、Hunan、Hubei、Guangdong、Guangxi, which is particularly effec tive, the cure rate is as high as 96%,and is welcomed by teenagers sports fan.
Journal of Hexi University