研究了短肢剪力墙宏观的力学性能 ,主要包括 :通过对判别式物理意义的研究 ,指出短肢剪力墙是一种强肢弱梁型的剪力墙 ;在理论研究、有限元分析和大量计算的基础上 ,得出了水平荷载下短肢剪力墙的整体侧移曲线属于弯剪型的结论 ;
The macroscopical mechanical performances of shear wall with short piers have been studied.Based on the study of the physic concept for the discriminant,it is pointed out that short pier shear wall is provided with strong piers and weak beams.Furthermore,by means of the theoretic researches,finite element analyses and a numerous number of calculations,it has been concluded that the lateral displacement curve of short pier shear walls subjected to the lateral forces belongs to the flexure shearing type deformation.The equations and the diagrams to define the position of the contra flexural point in the lateral displacement curve are also provided.
Building Structure