系统的分析了遗传算法中交叉操作 ,得出如下结论 :遗传算法中交叉操作的实质是子代个体为父代个体在小范围内进行大概率变异的结果 ,该范围由双亲个体分别进行与 ,或操作所得到的两个体决定。对该结论做出了理论证明 ,同时基于此思想提出了一种不含选择和变异操作的新式遗传算法CrossoverGA(CGA)。将其应用到具体实例中并和几咱典型的遗传算法进行了比较 。
The essence of the crossover operator of Ga is analyed,The conclusion shows that the essence of the crossover operator of Ga is that the next generation individual is a mutation of parents in a small aer by a big probability.The aera is decided by two individual from the‘or’and ‘and’ operation of the parents.The above conclusion is improved and a new way of optimization that is Crossover GA(CGA) is given at the same time.The conclution is better than others according to some examples.
Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering