本文是一份非重点院校学生词汇达标实验报告。实验结果表明 :通过切实可行的词汇教学训练 ,大多数学生的词汇水平都能达到大纲要求 。
The paper is a study of college English vocabulary proficiency of Chin ese ordinary tertiary institutions.Eight-four students from two natura l classes of a management department in an ordinary institution. The research is carried out twice. the first of which is conducted at the beginning of their first ter m. It concerns the vocabulary proficiency and methods of vocabulary memorizing. The results showed that there is a big gap between the vocabulary proficiency l eve l and requirement by the college English teaching curriculum and there is much w ork to do in their low-efficiency vocabulary-memorizing.The second is conducted at the fourth semester when the fundamental English teaching and learning is nea rly finished. It suggests that the big gap can be filled if there is a feasible vocabulary Studying plan.
Usable Vocabulary
Identical Vocabulary
Vocabulary Memorizing
Vocab ulary Proficiency.