城市环境是物理环境和社会环境的综合体 ,其和谐度的高低 ,反映了一个城市文明进步的水准。本文以创建和谐城市环境为主线 ,简要介绍了“和谐城市环境”的概念及目标 ,指出环境保护与生态建设 ,城市建设所体现的人文特色 ,城市建设与自然条件的协调统一 ,城市交通系统建设与管理 4个方面的和谐发展 ,不仅是北京迈向现代化国际大都市的需要 ,同时也是办好奥运会、实现“绿色奥运、人文奥运”目标的重要保证。
The city environment is the combination of physical environment and the social environment. How harmonious of the combination is reflects the improving standard of the city's civilization. Using the creation of the harmonious environment of the city as its main thesis, this paper briefly introduces the conception and goal of the harmonious city environment, and it also points out that the humane characteristics which is characterized by the environmental protection, the creation of the econogy and the city and the natural condition, and the construction of the city transportation system and management are not only the necessary condition for Peking aiming at a international metropolitan, but also the guarantee of achieving the goal of holding the Olympic Games well and advocating the Grew Olympics and Humane Olympics.
Sports & Science