通过对广州市老年人身体素质的调查 ,了解其现状 ,探讨其衰老过程。结果表明 :女性肌肉力量下降速度快 ,出现两次显著性下降 ;老年期身体柔韧性无性别差异的出现 ;男性神经系统状况要好于女性 ;70岁后身体素质开始大幅度下降。
The research shows the actuality and the ebb process of corporeity diathesis of the old of Guanzhou.Result:the muscle power of female appears declining twice and descends very quickly,the body flexible degree has not difference, the never system of the male are better than the females, corporeity diathesis begin to fall from seventy years old.
Journal of Shenyang Sport University