
NO_x的准两年周期变化及其与臭氧准两年周期振荡的关系 I.资料分析 被引量:19

Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in NO_x and Relationship to O_3 QBO Part I. Data Analysis
摘要 利用 1 992~ 2 0 0 0年HALOE的观测资料 ,分析了平流层NOx (这里是指NO和NO2 )混合比的垂直经向分布结构、季节变化和年际变化 ,并与O3混合比的年际变化进行比较。结果表明 :( 1 )在各纬度平流层NOx混合比的垂直结构基本相似 ,从平流层下层向上随高度增加 ,分别在 1~ 2hPa (NO)和 5~ 1 0hPa (NO2 )达到极大值 ,再向上NOx混合比随高度减小。另外 ,NO混合比在 1 0× 1 0 - 5hPa高度附近还有一个极值区。在平流层下层 ,它们的极值区下方 ,NOx混合比基本从热带向两极增大。NO混合比在平流层位于 1~ 2hPa之间有一个高值区 ,在 1 0× 1 0 - 5hPa附近还有一个更大的极值。而NO2 只有一个浓度高值区 ,位置在 5~ 1 0hPa。 ( 2 )NOx混合比在中低纬的高度分布和经向分布上都存在准两年周期振荡(简称QBO)。NO2 的QBO较NO更明显 ,赤道上空的NOx的QBO最明显 ,北半球NOx 的QBO较南半球更明显 ,而 2 0~ 5hPa的NOx的QBO又较其他气层更明显。 ( 3)在热带 30km以上 ,NOx的QBO与O3混合比的QBO位相相反 ;而中纬地区及 30km以下的热带 ,它们有一个位相差 。 HALOE observational data through 1992 to 2000 were used to analyze the vertical\|meridional structure of stratospheric NO x (NO and NO 2 ). The seasonal and interannual variations were also analyzed and compared with O 3 mixing ratio QBO. The results indicated that the vertical structures of NO x mixing ratio in stratosphere in various latitudes are similar. They increase with altitude from low stratosphere, reach the maximum value at 1~2 hPa level for NO and 5~10 hPa for NO 2 , respectively, and then decrease with altitude. There is another belt of maximum value of NO mixing ratio located at 1.0×10 -5 hPa. In the lower stratosphere below the maximum value, the NO x mixing ratios increase poleward. In middle and low latitudes, NO x mixing ratio of both vertical and latitudinal distribution oscillate with quasi\|biennial period. Generally, feature of the NO 2 QBO are more obvious than that of NO; the QBO in equatorial stratospheric NO x is more apparent than that of the other latitudes; the QBO in northern hemispheric NO x are more noticeable than that in southern hemisphere; the QBO between 5 hPa and 20 hPa are particularly obvious. In tropical middle and upper stratosphere, phase of NO x QBO is reversal to that of O 3 QBO; they have phase lay but not opposite in other regions.
出处 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期821-833,共13页 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
基金 中国科学院重大项目KZ95 1 Al 40 3 0 3资助
关键词 准两年周期变化 臭氧 准两年周期振荡 分布结构 季节变化 年际变化 氮氧化物 nitrogen oxides ozone quasi\|biennial oscillation
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