
交感神经节与心肌细胞联合培养中神经元的迁移 被引量:2

Migration of neurons in the co-culture of sympathetic ganglion and cardiac myocytes
摘要 目的:探测交感神经节与心肌细胞联合培养中神经元迁移以及迁出的神经元与心肌细胞之间的关系。方法:用倒置相差显微镜定期观察神经纤维和心肌细胞的生长;终止培养后,用Holmes还原银染色法观察神经纤维的生长情况和单个神经元的迁移、生长情况及其与心肌细胞之间的关系。结果:在相同的培养条件下,联合培养中的某些区域可见由交感神经节组织块迁出许多单个神经元,散在于单层分散的心肌细胞之间,为双极或单极神经元,并发出突起加入邻近的神经纤维网或终止于心肌细胞表面;由单纯培养的交感神经节中生长出的神经纤维弯曲较多,并相互交织成网状,在神经纤维网之间偶尔可见由交感神经节组织块中迁出的神经元,亦为双极或多极神经元,其突起加入邻近的神经纤维网,迁出的神经元的数量较联合培养中由交感神经节组织块迁出的神经元少。结论:在体外联合培养中,单层分散的心肌细胞对交感神经节中神经元的迁移具有诱导作用。 Objective:To investigate the migration of neurons in the co-culture of sympathetic gan-glion and cardiac myocytes and the relationship between migrated neurons and cardiac myocytes.Methods:The growth of nerve fibers and cardiac myocytes was observed by using phase contrast microscope.The migration of neurons and the relationship between migrated neurons and cardiac myocytes were investigated by Holmes' reduced silver technique.Results:In the neuromuscular co-cultures,the migrated neurons scat-tered among the cardiac muscle cells.Only a few neurons migrated from the sympathetic ganglial explants in the ganglion cultures alone.Conclusion:In the neuromuscular co-cultures,cardiac muscle cells may have inductive function to the neuronal mi gration.
出处 《山东大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2003年第4期358-361,共4页 Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences
基金 山东省教委科技发展计划项目J98K66
关键词 交感神经节 神经元 心肌细胞 联合培养 Ganglia,sympathetic Neurons Cardiac myocytes Co-culture
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