储层非均质特征评价是储层特征研究很重要的一部分内容 ,储层非均质特征是描述储层的参数变化及非均质特性 ,非均质性的强弱直接影响着开发方案的设计和实施。本文以尕斯库勒油田N1-N12 油藏砂西区Ⅱ油组为例 ,研究储层非均质性特征。用来描述储层非均质性的特征参数主要有 :连通系数、重叠系数、夹层厚度、夹层频数以及均值、最大值、最小值、变异系数、级差、非均质系数。
Assessment of reservoir heterogeneity is an important part of the study of reservoir features. It describes heterogeneity and change in various parameters of a reservoir. The heterogeneity has an influence on exploitation of the oil field. This paper deals with heterogeneity of oil group Ⅱ in N1-N1 2 oil reservoir in Shaxi area, Gas Hure Oil Field, including such parameters as connectivity, overlapping coefficient, interbed thickness, interbed frequency, variation coefficient, coefficient of anisotropy and so on.
Acta Geologica Sichuan