
水资源和环境工程中水平井研究简介 被引量:8

Horizontal Wells in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
摘要 简单介绍了水平井在水资源和环境工程中的近期研究进展,重点介绍了在不同含水层(如承压含水层、潜水含水层、越流含水层及河下含水层)中,水平井抽水条件下降深的半解析解,同时分析了降深随抽水时间变化的标准曲线和微分标准曲线.这些半解析解可用于分析小流量水平井在中长时段的降深特性.分析了用于排水和供水的大流量水平井的水力学特征,并介绍了求解渗流-管流耦合井流系统的一种新方法.同时介绍了在非饱和含水层中水平井抽取气体的动力学特征,并分析了地面覆盖和未覆盖2种情况下的气体清除效率,报告了在不同饱和含水层条件下水平井的捕获区和捕获时间的计算. This article briefly introduces recent researches on horizontal wells in water resources and environmental engineering. This paper focuses on the location of semianalytical solutions of groundwater flow to horizontal wells under different aquifer conditions such as confined, leaky confined,unconfined aquifers and aquifers under streams. The type curves and the derivative type curves of drawdowns are analyzed. Such semianalytical solutions are useful for the interpretation of drawdowns characteristics after intermediate pumping time. This article also studies the hydraulics of a horizontal well at a large pumping rate, which is commonly used for dewatering and water supply. The authors have to consider the hydraulic head loss within the wellbore and to incorporate the Darcian flow and the pipeflow into an integrated flow system. This article discusses vapor extraction in the unsaturated zone using horizontal wells and provides simplified analytical solutions to describe vapor pressure distribution and vapor flux across the ground surface (if the ground is open). It also reports the capture zone and capture time calculations under different aquifer conditions.
出处 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期511-516,共6页 Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences
基金 美国国家自然科学基金项目(DMI-BES-9909964).
关键词 水平井 半解析解 捕获 horizontal well semi-analytical solution capture.
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