目的 :实验测定不同提取工艺分别得到的鞘蕊苏提取物 1~ 5号 ,拮抗组胺诱导离体豚鼠气管条收缩的活性 ,以期通过生物活性测定 ,评估鞘蕊苏提取物活性高低 .方法 :按文献方法制备离体豚鼠气管条 ,置于装有克氏营养液的麦氏管中 ,以累积浓度法加入样品 ,观察其对组胺诱导气管条收缩的影响 .结果 :鞘蕊苏提取物 1~ 5号均显示抑制组胺诱导离体豚鼠气管条的收缩 ,活性高低顺序为 :4号 >2号 >5号 >3号 >1号 .结论 :上述提取物抑制组胺诱导离体豚鼠气管条收缩的作用均高于鞘蕊苏口服液 ,现有提取法中 4号样品的提取法得率较高 .
To investigate effect of the extract from plant Qiaoruisu on the contractions induced by histamine in isolated trachea of guinea pig. The cumulative concentration-response curves for drugs were determined in isolated trachea strips of guinea pig. In trachea strips, sample 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 inhibited the contractions induced by histamine. We compared their activities: sample 4 > sample 2 > sample 5> sample 3>sample 1. The results suggested that the extract from plant Qiaoruisu inhibited the contractions of guinea pig trachea induced by histamine with various activities in vitro.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
云南省自然科学基金资助项目 (95C0 70M)