绝经期是妇女后半生能否健康生活的重要时期 ,心血管疾病是其首要死亡因素 ,仅有 36 1%的妇女高血压得到控制 .绝经期内分泌代谢变化引起血压升高已广为人知 ,但性别个体化治疗模式还不甚了解 ,现对绝经后高血压的治疗作一综述 .
Postmenopausal period is an important time in which some changes have taken place in women body. Cardiovascular diseases were a main factor of death. Of all postmenopausal women with hypertension only 36 1% have been controlled. It was few known that the treatment of hypertension should be individualized for gender. The article is to review for this: (1) Sex hormone replacement therapy could decrease arisen glucose and lipids, reduce renin level and left ventricular mass. One third of the cases has a significant reduction in blood pressure at least. It may be effective even in patients that have not responded to antihypertensive drugs.(2) Some studies suggested that the hypertension of postmenopausal women was controlled by sex hormone replacement therapy + antihypertensive drugs. Moexipril was well-tolerated and did not adversely affect lipids and metabolic parameters. (3) Incorporating a daily fish meal into a weight loss regimen was more effective than single measure. Atenolol, betaxolol and felodipine. were effective in lowering blood pressure.
Journal of Kunming Medical College