
塔里木河下游垦区绿洲生态系统服务的价值 被引量:33

Value of the Oasis Ecosystem Services in the Lower Reach of Tarim River Basin
摘要 生态系统服务价值的评估研究是生态学结合社会发展所面临的环境挑战而出现的一个新的研究热点 ,是建立绿色国民经济核算体系的基础工作。以Constanza等对全球各类生态系统服务单位公顷价值的平均估算结果 ,根据对 1986年、1990和 2 0 0 0年的塔里木河 (以下简称塔河 )流域 1 10万的陆地卫星TM图像解译数据为基础 ,在分析塔河下游土地利用与植被覆盖变化的同时 ,对塔河下游以塔里木垦区为主的人工及部分天然绿洲区生态系统服务的价值予以估算 ,结果表明 :按当前价计算 ,研究区生态系统服务的年价值 1986年为 77.84× 10 6$ ,相当于6 4 6 .0 72× 10 6元人民币 ;1990年为 10 5 .93× 10 6$ ,相当于 879.2 19× 10 6元人民币 ;2 0 0 0年为 183.77× 10 6$ ,相当于 15 2 5 .2 91× 10 6元人民币。由于缺乏对盐碱荒地、居民点用地、沙丘 /戈壁等的相关研究信息 ;因此 ,该结果是对研究区生态系统服务总价值的保守估计。 Ecosystem services refers to the ecosystem goods and services, which represent the benefits that human population demand, directly and indirectly, from ecosystem functions. There are the life support system for all of the life on the earth, and are the key natural capital of humanity. It is of great significance to estimate ecosystem services value. Continuous existence of the services of ecological systems is taken for granted, never before have human action so threatened their provision,most of them are public goods and not traded in markets, and thus resulted in the continuous decrease of ecosystem services and the deterioration of ecosystem functions that generate them. The valuation of ecosystem services has been becoming one of the focuses of sustainable development, environmental economics and ecology. Various attempts have been made to calculate the value of global and regional ecosystem services. The valuation of ecosystem services isessential to the integrated accounting of environment and economics. This paper based on the data of 1∶100 000 Landsat TM in the Tarim River Basin in 1986,1990 and 2000, and analyzed the land use and land coverage changes. It is found that the land use and land cover in the Tarim River Basin has changed greatly during the past 14a, because of human's irrational development and utilization of water resources and ecosystems. By using method proposed by Constaza et al (1997) and others, the result shows that the annual value of the ecosystem services in the Tarim River Basin was 77.84×10 6$(646.07×10 6$ RMB) in 1986; and 105.93×10 6$ (879.22 ×10 6$ RMB) in 1990; and 183.77×10 6$ (1 525.29×10 6$ RMB) in 2000. Because of the reservoir area is increased steady, the total annual increase value of the ecosystem services in the this study area. Taking into account that such ecosystems as permanent snow and glaciers, construction land, salt lick, and desert and gravel desert also have ecosystem services value, this value of the ecosystem services in the Tarim River Basin is a conservative estimation.
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期208-216,共9页 Arid Land Geography
基金 中国科学院知识创新项目 (KZCX1-10 -0 8-0 2 )课题资助
关键词 塔里木河 垦区 绿洲 生态系统服务 价值评估 Tarim River Basin ecosystem services sustainable development.
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