

Experimental Study on Sensibility of New-Type OPCM
摘要 传统的压电传感器不具有压电正交异性,因此不适合用于检测构件特定方向应力和应变 将压电陶瓷材料相与环氧树脂基材料相复合,构造出具有压电正交异性的新型压电复合材料,并对其传感性能进行标测 试验研究结果表明这种新型压电复合材料不但具有灵敏度高、线性度好和性能稳定等优点,可用作传感元件和驱动元件;而且还具有非常明显的正交各向异性。 Traditional piezoelectric sensors are unable to detect certain directional stress and strain of the elements because of nonorthotropic characteristic. In the study, a newtype of OPCM made up of two phases, piezoelectric ceramic and epoxy resin, was developed. The sensibility of the OPCM was calibrated. The high sensitivity, good linearity and stable property of OPCM were proved. The orthotropic characteristic of the OPCM was confirmed, so it can be used to detect a certain directional stress and strain of the element.
作者 徐红星 骆英
出处 《江苏大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS 2003年第5期60-63,共4页 Journal of Jiangsu University:Natural Science Edition
基金 江苏省教委自然科学基金资助项目(99KJD30003)
关键词 压电复合材料 正交异性 传感性能 标测 piezoelectric composite material orthotropic sensibility calibrate
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