Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Endocrinology)
1Chen H, Thiagalingam A, Chopra H, et al. Conservation of the Drosophila lateral inhibition pathway in human lung cancer: a hairy-related protein (HES-1) directly represses achaete-scute homolog- 1 expression [ J ]. Proc Nail Acad Sci USA, 1997,94 : 5355-5360.
2Borges M, Linnoila R I, van de Velde H J, et al. An achaete-scute homologue essential for neuroendocrine differentiation in the lung[ J ]. Nature, 1997, 386:852-855.
3Tsagarakis S, Tsigos C, Vasiliou V, et al. The desmopressin and combined CRH-desmopressin tests in the differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushings' syndrome: constraints imposed by the expression of V2 vasopressin receptors in tumors with ectopic ACTH secretion [ J ]. J Clin En-docrinol Metab .2002,87 : 1646-1653.
4de Keyzer Y, Lenne F, Auzan C, et al. The pituitary V3 vasopressin receptor and the corticotroph phenotype in ectopic ACTH syndrome[J] .J Clin Invest, 1996,97:1311-1318.
5de Keyzer Y, Rene P, Lenne F, et al. V3 vasopressin receptor and corticotropic phenotype in pituitary and nonpituitary tumors[J] . Honn Res, 1997,47:259-262.
6Picon A, Bertagna X, de Keyzer Y. Analysis of the human proopiomelanocortin gene promoter in a small cell lung carcinoma cell line reveals an unusual role for E2F transcription factors[J]. Oncogene, 1999,18:2627-2633.
7Okabe T,Takayanagi R, Adachi M, et al. Nur77, a member of the steroid receptor superfamily, antagonizes negative feedback of ACTH synthesis and secretion by glucocorticoid in pituitary corticotrope cells[J] . J Endocrinol, 1998, 156:169-175.
8Ueda Y, Bandoh S, Fujita J, et al. Expression of nerve growth factor-induced clone B subfamily and pro-opiomelanocortin gene in lung cancer cell line[J] . Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 1999,20: 1319-1325.
9Newell-Price J, King P, Clark A J. The CpG island promoter of the human proopiomelanocortln gene is methylated in nonexpressing normal tissue and tumors and represses expression[J] . Mol Endocrinol, 2001,15:338-348.
10Piton A, Bertagna X, de Keyzer Y. Analysis of the human proopiomelanocortin gene promoter in a small cell lung carcinoma cell line reveals an unusual role for E2F transcription factors [ J] . Oncogene, 1999 , 18:2627-2633.
1邓茂刚.绿色饲料添加剂综述[J].山东畜牧兽医,2007,28(2):36-38. 被引量:6
2丁炜东,曹哲明,曹丽萍.鲇POMC cDNA的克隆与表达分析[J].中国水产科学,2011,18(5):1000-1010. 被引量:2
3方龙,梁旭方,何珊.草鱼禁食后NPY与血糖变化及NPY重组表达[J].暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版),2013,34(5):533-538. 被引量:4
4徐龙鑫,朱丽莉,张麟,刘镜,何光中.关岭黄牛POMC基因多态性及其与生长性状的关联性分析[J].西南农业学报,2016,29(2):451-454. 被引量:7
5杜富宽,徐钢春,黎燕,练青平,徐跑.刀鲚POMC基因的cDNA克隆及其应激应答[J].中国水产科学,2017,24(2):231-238. 被引量:5
6王梦远,王俊博,唐致恒,刘佳瑞,刘讷鸥,郑瑞茂.AgRP/NPY神经元代谢调控功能研究进展[J].生理科学进展,2019,50(1):67-75. 被引量:13
7马天瀛,李怡霖,董心玥,佀蓉蓉,白雪,王子旭,陈耀星,曹静.食物摄入与下丘脑能量平衡[J].畜牧兽医学报,2021,52(7):1789-1799. 被引量:3
8连小兰,白耀.脑类固醇的合成及其临床意义[J].国外医学(内分泌学分册),2003,23(5):334-337. 被引量:4
3刘玉洁,杨曦,马慧娟.MC4R在肥胖及糖代谢中的作用[J].国际内分泌代谢杂志,2016,36(6):391-393. 被引量:1
4吴红花,郭晓蕙,高燕明.奥曲肽治疗异源ACTH综合征一例报告[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,2007,23(4):370-371. 被引量:1
5章秋,潘天荣,刘树琴,王佑民,王长江,杨明功,孟刚.肾上腺皮质癌致异源ACTH综合征一例报道[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,2006,22(5):496-497. 被引量:1
6高鑫,Phillips PA.血管加压素受体Ⅰ在实验性糖尿病大鼠肾脏和肝脏的调节[J].上海医科大学学报,1993,20(4):268-272.
7邓聪,魏连波,黄丽雯,李玉明,龚春水.肾衰养真胶囊对慢性肾衰竭营养不良大鼠Leptin-下丘脑NPY、POMC轴的影响[J].中国中西医结合杂志,2010,30(9):952-956. 被引量:13
10黄妙玲,黄莹,邹佳霖.低钾血症相关内分泌代谢疾病的治疗研究[J].中国现代药物应用,2015,9(24):51-52. 被引量:5