目的 :为口腔粘膜门诊临床合理用药提供依据。方法 :调查我院2001年口腔粘膜科门诊处方量、药品种类、剂型 ,并分析药物应用的合理性。结果 :免疫调节剂中 ,多抗甲素出现的频次较高 ,用法欠妥 ;强的松片应用不尽合理 ;曲安缩松针已基本取代传统的强的松龙针作局部封闭 ;六味地黄丸用于预防复发性口腔溃疡呈上升趋势。结论 :局部与全身用药配伍仍是控制口腔粘膜病症的有效方法。
OBJECTIVE:To provide a basis for rational use of drugs in OPD of oral mucosal diseases METHODS:To collect the data of the mumber of prescriptions,kinds and dosage forms of drugs used in the Dept of Oral Mucosal Diseases in 2001 in our hospital and to analyse the rationality of drug use RESULTS:In immunoregulators,mannatide was used frequently but irrationally;the use of prednisone tablet was less than satisfactory;triamcinolone has taken the place of traditional prednisone in local block and there was an increasing tendency to use Liuweidihuang pill for prevention of recurrent ulcer of mouth CONCLUSION:Local use in combination with systemic use of drugs is still the effective way to control oral mucosal diseases
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China