目的:为提高富右丙烯菊酯在电热蚊香片中的应用价值,笔者根据杀虫剂复配原理将其与EBT、增效剂等进行了复配;方法:用密闭圆筒法对10种预配方进行筛选,采用GB 13917.5—1992“农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法”密闭圆筒法测定了两种复配配方对淡色库蚊的毒杀效果;结果:25mg/片和10mg/片富右丙烯菊酯电热蚊香片通电预热2h、4h、6h、8h的KT_(50)(min)分别是2.31、2.74、2.40、2.72和2.69、2.42、2.45、3.05;24h死亡率分别为89.66%~100%和88.33%~96.77%;结论:按GB/T17322.5—1998国家标准测试,结果均达到A级,完全达到复配要求。
Objective: To increase the application value of rich d - allethrin in mosquito mat. Methods: According to GB 13917.5 - 1992, screen 10 pre - formular with hermetic round canister method. Results: The KT50 of 25 mg and 10 mg rich d- allethnn mosquito mat were 2.31 ,2.24,2.40,2.72 and 2.69,2.42,2.45,3.05 minutes after being healed for 2,4,6, 8 hours respectively; the 24 h mortality rates were 89.66% - 100% and 88.33% -96.77% respectively. Conclusion: The formular reaches Grade A according to National Standard Test GB/T17322.5 - 1998.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments