目的 :探讨引哒帕胺加美托洛尔治疗老年纯收缩期高血压病病人的降压疗效。方法 :4 3例I~II期老年纯收缩期高血压病人用引哒帕胺 (2 .5mg/d)加美托洛尔 (2 5mgQ1 2h)治疗 8周。结果 :总有效率 81 .4 % (35 / 4 3) ;无效率 1 8.6 % (8/ 4 3)。大多数病人临床症状有不同程度减轻 ,无明显不良反应。结论
Objective: To investigate the depressing effect with Indapamide and Metoprolol therapy in the patients of ISH. Methods: 43 patients with senile ISH of stage I~II were treated with indapamide(2.5mg,ad)and metoprolol(25mg,Q12h) for 8 weeks. Results: Total effective rate was 81.4%(35/43). Ineffective rate was 18.6%(8/43).Clinical symptoms of most patients were relieved in different degree.No distinct untoward effect was found. Conclusion: Indapamide and metoprolol have distinct depressing effect in treating the patients with ISH of stage I~II.
Hebei Medicine